Title: Reasons I Fell For The Funny Fat Friend
Author: Becca Ann
Publication Date: January 8, 2013
It’s stupid to fall for your brother’s ex. It’s even worse to enlist another’s help to win the ex over. But Brody is desperate and Hayley, his partner in American Sign Language, is more than willing to lend him a few tips.
She’s the school’s matchmaker,’ and with her bizarre and positive personality, Brody finds her easy to talk to, even about the most awkward situations. Hayley’s tips seem to be working, but as Brody learns more about his matchmaker, he starts finding reasons to spend time with her, and not the girl he thought he was in love with.
But Hayley isn’t ready to fall for anyone. Labeled the “Funny Fat Friend” within her group, her self image makes it impossible for Brody to share his feelings without Hayley shrugging it off as a joke.
Convincing her Brody can, and did, fall for the “Funny Fat Friend” turns out to be harder than simply falling in love.
Just so you know, I'm pretty stuck with Vampire Academy and I'm now on the last book, Last Sacrifice but then I decided to take a breather. I am so glad I picked this book. I absolutely loved this one. The characters were awesomesauce (a new word I adapted from Hayley).
There are certainly several reasons to love this book.
1. The main characters were absolutely lovable.
She's the funny fat friend
Loves to rhyme words
Cringes when she hears bad words
Doesn't make people feel awkward
Got a pretty low self-esteem
Her mom always make snide remarks regarding her weight
And to make herself feel food, she goes to the library and look for gross pictures that would make her feel lucky
She's good at American Sign Language
She's perceptive and observant
She uses silly words to substitute bad words
She also has a curvy hour glass figure
That she doesn't seem to appreciate
And because she thinks Brody is really not serious about her
She told him to come up with a list why he likes her.
This book is his POV
which is great because I can only count books with boys POV
He loves people watching while listening to music
He's so into Quiyn, his brother's ex
And because of Hayle, he found courage to talk to her
But as he gets to know Hayley
He finds himself falling for her instead
He's the ideal guy for all the chubby girsl out there
He's so into Hayley that he notices her different body language
The way she licks her lips, the way she smiles when she's really happy
Or when she's faking it, he knows when she's lying or when she's upset
He likes her for who she is. He loves it when she's singing in his car
or when they're just together and talking about everything under the sun.
He knows the lyrics of Katy Perry's songs.
He's gorgeous and hot but he doesn't seem to know it.
And when he's heartbroken, his music goes pop and Katy Perry dominates his speakers.
2. The PLOT.
When I started reading this, I can't help but think of The Duff: The Designated Ugly Fat Friend. The characters are pretty much the same but the story is different. I like how the story progressed. I love the cute and sweet moments between the two characters. I also like Brody's parents. This book really makes me giddy and throughout the book, I kept on smiling. The story was easy to follow and I was so into it that I ended up finishing it until the wee hours of the morning. It's definitely unputdownable. The book is just a right mixture of love, friendship, family, and self-acceptance.
3. Friends to Lovers
If you're a fan of books where the main characters started out as friends, then this book is for you. It shows how Brody's feelings grew from friendship to lust to love. It's good that the relationship did not instantly turn into romance and I pretty like their interactions as friends first.
4. Realistic
The story is very realistic and very relatable. It's not everyday that I encounter this kind of story but it can actually happen. And every girl dream of having someone like Brody fell in love with her and accept her wholeheartedly.
5. Brody's List
Reason 1: You know how to sign the word 'balls'.
Reason 2: You wall with a book on your head.
Reason 3: You know how to make awkward, less awkward.
Reason 4: It's easy with you.
Reason 5: You know how to make a guy feel pretty good about himself.
Reason 6. You give the best hugs.
Reason 7: I think about you before I think about her.
Reason 8: You slaughter me at Ghost Recon.
Reason 9: You're turned me into a psycho.
Reason 10: You are the FHF - Freaking Hot Friend.
Reason 11: You are perceptive.
Reason 12: You don't let my jackass jerk brother get to you.
Reason 13: Id beat the crap out of my own flesh and blood for you.
Reason 14: I need crave you.
Reason 15: You rock some sexy ink.
Reason 16: You make me feel all that gooey shit crap I'm supposed to feel.
Reason 17: You're a cute little cheater.
Reason 18: You make me nervous, but not nervous.
Reason 19: Pictures of bleedin' people don't want to make you puke.
Reason 20: If eyes can be hot, yours are smokin'.
Reason 21: You can put boob marks in all my shirts and I won't care.
Reason 22: You smile when you kiss.
Reason 24: I can't lie to you.
Reason 25: When you're pissed at me, I turn into a depressed slob who can't stop listenin' to that pop crap.
Reason 26: I want to shout it to the world that I'm in love with you.
Reason 27: You are THE girl.
If there's one thing I hate about this book, it's Gabe. Ugh! But I guess there's something behind his story, and I'm dying to know why he dumped Quiyn.
I'm really in love with this book and it's no wonder I gave it a five. So if you're reading this, you better add this on your TBR list. You're going to wish that you also have a Brody Grant by your side, it'll put a giant smile on your face and you'll feel giddy through out the book. Trust me. I've felt all of those.
I use my phone maybe twice a day. Once to turn it to silent, and then again to turn the volume back on.
It's amazing how your feet can lead to you to the right place without a conscious thought.
It's built in our DNA. We protect the girls we love.
You try to be a nice guy, but girls just have to be stubborn about it. Then they complain chivalry is dead. Screw that.
Two hugs. Both I can’t get out of my mind. One was so quick I’m not even sure it happened, and the other was… Amazing. Incredible. Confusing. How can someone get so much from a hug?
I clear my throat. "You deserve to be taken out for your birthday. And...I want to be the guy who takes you on your first date.

Labels: Becca Ann, Book Review