Title: Heaven, Texas (A book in the Chicago Stars / Bonner Brothers series)
Author: Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Sent to locate former football star Bobby Tom Denton and get him to the set of his first movie, straitlaced Gracie Snow finds herself in the hands of a charmer who is determined to make her over.
Genre: Romance
This is the funniest book I've read so far! It is hilariously funny! I guess half of the time I was reading this, I was laughing.
I love the characters. Bobby Tom Denton is gorgeous. Hes got these beautiful blue eyes with the face of a movie star and a body to die for. What I like about him is his generosity - hi willingness to give without expecting anything in return.
Gracie is so funny. She is a desperate 30-year-old-virgin eager to have sex. She is practically throwing herself at Bobby Tom. Instead of finding it gross, it made the whole story extremely funny you'll end up rolling on the floor laughing.
This is a must-must-read. It's definitely worth your time. This book will definitely relieve you from all your stress. :D
Quotes from the Book:
"Caring is a long way from loving."
"Anything worth having is worth fighting for."
"There's no accounting for the mysteries of the human heart."
Rating: 5/5
Labels: Book Review, Susan Elizabeth Phillips